Tuesday 7 March 2017

Report from Transparecy International show the relationship between corruption and emerging of extremism.

Transparency International Organization has published a report titled Corruption and emerging of extremism, the report that STOP Organization has translated it into Kurdish asking Western countries to confront corruption since they believe corruption is a big reason of emerging
of terror movements such as ISIS and Boko Haram.
The report states that extreme movements occur when citizens lose confidence in their rulers, also that people in power are getting rich on the expense of the majority of poor people while security forces works to serve them as well they monopolize economic opportunities for themselves and their families.
The report also states that it is not quite possible to defeat ISIS in war without combat the situation in certain countries that have the root of corruption.
It says that extreme organizations like ISIS and Boko Haram for some people appears as alternatives to corrupt regimes therefore attracts youth to their ranks.
It is mentioned that 50,000 delusive soldiers in the Iraqi army was one reason that they were defeated by ISIS and lost the city of Mosul and elsewhere places to ISIS.
The report says that Western countries should change their conduct and treatment in contact with authorities to protect stability and development because it is the poor management of the regimes that are due to instability and unrest.

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